General Course

- $50
- Online course available
Start instantly and learn at your own pace.
- Course completion certificate
Available for download when you complete the course.
- .1 CEUs
Continuing education units awarded upon completion.
- Approximately 0.75 hours
Course can be completed in about 0.75 hours.
- Unlimited access
View this course wherever and whenever you like.
The publication Life Safety Code, known as NFPA 101, is a consensus standard widely adopted in the United States. It is administered, trademarked, copyrighted, and published by the National Fire Protection Association and, like many NFPA documents, is systematically revised on a three-year cycle. The bulk of the standard addresses "those construction, protection, and occupancy features necessary to minimize danger to life from the effects of fire, including smoke, heat, and toxic gases created during a fire." This course covers the history of the Life Safety Code, as well as how it affects the safe operation of Special Amusement Buildings in the amusement industry.