Maintenance Course

  • $50
  • Online course available

    Start instantly and learn at your own pace.

  • Course completion certificate

    Available for download when you complete the course.

  • .1 CEUs

    Continuing education units awarded upon completion.

  • Approximately 1 hour

    Course can be completed in about 1 hour.

  • Unlimited access

    View this course wherever and whenever you like.

Course Description

In this course, learners will discuss control system theory and will be taught the fundamentals of basic logic, relay logic, ladder logic, as well as programmable logic controllers (PLCs).  They will learn the basics of networking, hardware and integrated safety systems and how they work with control systems to enhance the performance of those systems.  Finally, they will review the importance of maintenance and of planning for hardware and software that will undoubtably become obsolete. 

Syllabus/Exercise Files